Friday, October 15, 2010

Nokik Frenta Atmadja Profil Photo

Nokik Frenta Atmadja Profil Photo

- So far, hackers or breaker mostly identified with men. Understandably 'task' is complicated and generally mostly guarded by a super-smart criminals.

But the supposition that a hacker that's for sure a man like one. Kristina Svechinskaya example. He is a hacker with the nickname of the most beautiful.

Russian native student who lives in New York this has created a public sensation of the world because with his skills playing the computer.

Kristina Svechinskaya able to make the Zeus Trojan virus that is able to break into many accounts on the internet to be able to reap more than 3 million U.S. dollar.

Some time after the crime world-fotonyapun mayanya revealed photos circulating.