Sunday, July 19, 2009

LAPD Treats Michael Jackson Death As Homicide | Doc Stops Talking

Dr. Conrad Murray reported Wednesday that the LAPD is treating Michael Jackson's death as a homicide. Detectives wanted to talk with Dr. Conrad Murray a third time with the County Coroner's present at the scheduled meeting, but Dr. Murray canceled the interview at the end of the week with the LAPD, according to TMZ.

The Doctor's lawyer said that Dr. Murray will not talk to the detectives at this time. So the cops called the lawyer back, and guess what? The lawyer's lawyer answered the call and said that Dr. Murray's lawyer would not talk to the police right now. Well... TMZ has covered another strange event. Remember, they are the online tabloid that first reported Michael Jackson's death. Check out what a TMZ staffer had to say on the latest Michael Jackson news, below: